February 01 - February 10

Do you have an ex that is crappy? Perhaps you were betrayed by your bestie? Or maybe someone did you dirty and you’re still salty about it. San Antonio Pets Alive! (SAPA!) has got you covered!
For a $10 gift, SAPA! will personalize a bag full of dog poop specially made for an ex! From February 1st until February 10th, SAPA! will write the name of your ex-someone on a poop bag with your custom note. These stinky bags and notes will be shared on our social media channels on Valentine’s Day.
All proceeds will benefit the animals currently in SAPA!’s care. An email will be sent out to purchasers on Valentine’s Day with a gallery of your custom bag.
Get your reDUMPtion by clicking the link HERE. A PG note with limited characters can be added to the tag, and you can add that in the Comments field.
*For sanitation and stinkiness purposes, bags will be filled with a non-poop material. Full names will not be included on the notes, only first name. Bags will not be delivered to anyone.