Medical Chip-Ins

Hercules-Thank You!

Our Goal: 5000

chip-in Post

A few days ago, the life-saving team at SAPA! viewed medical records from the city shelter unlike anything we've seen beforeWe read with sadness details of injuries that were inflicted to a dog possibly hit by a car or trauma from an object such as fencing. Notes in his records indicated the wounds had worsened over a few days. Signs of severe infection were starting to show. Our life-saving team visited the injured dog, immediately 

We saw a sweet 3-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier Mix - covered in lacerations and abrasive wounds, exposing bright pink tissue.   

We took him in to our care, and his name is Hercules. He was immediately assessed by a veterinarian. The first step in Hercules’ road to recovery was a procedure that removed all damaged tissue and skin. This procedure was successfully completed on Wednesday and Hercules is now bandaged up and in our clinic.  

As Hercules recovers, he will continue to stay at our Medical Care and Adoption Center where he will be closely monitored, receive daily bandage changes and wound cleaning. 
His recovery process will involve at least two months of intensive wound cleaning, medical attention, and essential medications to avoid infection. San Antonio Pets Alive! is fully committed to providing Hercules the care he needs to recover, as well as the general care all our animals receive - but we cannot do it alone. We need your help! Hercules’ medical care is estimated to cost more than $5,000. 

We humbly ask for you to make a gift – any gift, of any size, will directly contribute to Hercules' medical treatments, medications, and ongoing care. His life was not easy- he endured trials but he survived! 


Medical Chip-In Form