Medical Chip-Ins

Luanna's Story!

Our Goal: 2000

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Last month, SAPA! brought Luann into our care, a brave little dog who was rescued while pregnant AND battling Parvovirus. Luann's journey has been tough—she lost two of her puppies to the illness and was incredibly sick herself... But her spirit and love have shone through, and we're thrilled to say that two of her puppies have pulled through and momma and babies are now thriving in their loving foster home! SAPA! is one of only a handful of rescues in Texas that purposefully intake parvo positive puppies, with a treatment success rate of over 90%. Luann's story shows why our work is so important in providing specialized care and support for animals in need. This Mother's Day, we invite you to celebrate the spirit of motherhood by supporting Luann and her surviving puppies, along with other mothers and their babies in our care.


Your generous gift will directly contribute to the success of our parvovirus treatment program, ensuring that more dogs like Luann and her puppies have a chance at a healthy and happy future. The cost to save this little family with parvo treatment, spay/neuter surgeries and vaccines exceeds $2,000. Please join us in honoring the love and devotion of motherhood this Mother's Day by making a gift to support Luann and her puppies! Your kindness will make a lasting impact on their lives and so many others just like them – in fact, we currently have 14 dogs and puppies receiving treatment in our Parvo Ward. Together, let's ensure that Luann's story has a happy ending and that more animals receive the second chances they need to live full and happy lives. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day filled with love and compassion!


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